You don’t … a fear of death is common in our society, even tho’ we know life is fatal. Statistacally you are taking more of a chance driving out here than flying with us.
In the world of adventure sports, hang gliding is actually quite tame. Hang Gliding got a bad reputation in it’s infancy when you could order a hang glider kit in the mail and it would come with two pieces of paper; one would explain how to build it and the other how to fly it. It was no wonder that people were hurting themselves.
The sport is now regulated.  Modern Hang Gliders are incredibly strong, stable, certified aircraft that cannot be purchased without the necessary training required to fly them. Tandem pilots are trained & certified professionals.

You have a right to be nervous or concerned for your own safety. You are most welcome to come and see for yourselves how reliable and enjoyable it is. You could also look at a film of a flight on the front page of our web site and/or the ‘testimonials’ scetion. It has been our full time business for forty years so there must be something good about it 🙂