
11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Dominica

Yesterday you gave my brother and I an amazing adventure hang-gliding. We would both like to thank-you and your staff for an amazing trip. I can't stop thinking about it! I'm trying to convince everyone I know to try it, but more importantly I can't wait to come out again and maybe learn for myself. [...]

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Stephanie

Everyone that I met at High Perspective has helped me to have a new outlook on life. I had one of the best times of my life and enjoyed every minute of it. I can't wait to learn more and to progress in the sport of hang gliding. Thank you for everything. You guys are [...]

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Wendy

I must truly thank you for introducing my friend Allison and I to hang gliding! We had a fabulous time! As promised, I am emailing you to share my wonderful experience with you. Thank you for all the trouble that you went for me again, and we will be sure to call you again for [...]

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Joanne

Thank you very much for two amazing flights... Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhoooooooo!!! The first flight in Aug was inspiring, serene and for me, an awakening of the soul. Although the natural high lasted for several days, I could not wait to do it again. Yesterday's flight was just as amazing and to my surprise, a totally different experience [...]

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Natasha

I just wanted to write you a quick note to say thank you and tell you (again) what a fantastic time I had yesterday. I am so glad that I decided to give hang gliding a try, and I can't wait to do it again! Although I wasn't as nervous as I expected to be, [...]

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Carolyn

Thank you once again for the wonderful hang gliding flight back in the fall. You were the best instructor I could have hoped for. The flight is something I'll tell my grandchildren about one day.

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Brodie

Just wanted to pass on a sincere thank you to you, James and Scott for the amazing experience on Saturday. I will be reliving those first flights many times until my next lesson. What a thrill! Thank you so much.

11 03, 2010


By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Jocelyne

I once made a promise to my husband that I would try hang gliding. He has been interested in hang gliding for some time and recently started taking the introductory lessons. He fell in love with the sport right from the beginning, and started to persuade me to try it, hence my promise. Since I [...]

11 03, 2010

… words cannot express…

By |March 11th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on … words cannot express…

Hi Michael, Thanks for forwarding this video. Its cool seeing myself from another perspective. It looks very different from the ground than what we see when we are flying. Its nice to be flying again after the winter down time. I have trouble finding the words to describe why I enjoy this so much, but [...]

10 03, 2010

Back in the saddle!

By |March 10th, 2010|Testimonials|Comments Off on Back in the saddle!

It has been a long time since I have flown solo... kids, money, career, life in general seems to get in the way of "me". But not the past couple of weeks. I have taken some time for "me" and loved every second of it. The moments before I took, my reintroduction to this fantastic [...]