11 03, 2010

How far in advance should I book a flight?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on How far in advance should I book a flight?

If you wish to fly on a weekend we recommend 1-2 weeks notice. During the week often 2-3 days are sufficient. If you have a large group you may be better to plan a month or so in advance for a weekend date. If you find yourself with some free time on a nice day, there is [...]

11 03, 2010

Are the instructors and gliders certified?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on Are the instructors and gliders certified?

Yes. The glider goes through a vigorous certification process and is tested to 6 G's positive and 4 G's negative. Then every glider is test flown by the manufacturer and trim flown by the dealer. They are stronger, pound-for-pound than light aircraft. Our Instructors and Tandem Instructors are professionals who have demonstrated the highest standard of flying ability [...]

11 03, 2010

What do I need to bring with me?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on What do I need to bring with me?

We recommend regular comfortable clothing. Although you can wear skirts, they aren't recommended. We've even had people fly in full costume. During the warmer weather, it is quite pleasant and refreshing. A lot of people love flying in bare feet. Other times, overdress a little. It's a bit chillier at altitude (2 degrees C per thousand feet on [...]

11 03, 2010

Are there any restrictions on who can fly?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on Are there any restrictions on who can fly?

The weight range for Tandem Discovery Flights is 60 to 240 pounds. There is no age limit but minors need their parents or guardians to sign the liability waiver. You should be able to understand spoken English or have an interpreter. If you have limited or no use of your legs, we can use a purpose built paraplegic harness. [...]

11 03, 2010

How long and how high do we fly during a tandem?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on How long and how high do we fly during a tandem?

We guarantee a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet above ground. Usually we get closer to 1500 ft. It is possible to take a 'deluxe' flight which means we spend longer on tow and climb to at least 2000 ft. The entire lesson lasts about half an hour. The time in the air can be anywhere from 5-20 [...]

11 03, 2010

What if I enjoy my flight and want to take lessons?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on What if I enjoy my flight and want to take lessons?

Many of our pilots started out this way. If you thoroughly enjoy your flight and you wish to take lessons then have a chat to your pilot or a staff member before you leave. We can sign you up for a beginner course and arrange to get you started as soon as you like. In [...]

11 03, 2010

What about Paragliding?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on What about Paragliding?

We do fly paragliders simply because they are compatible with our tow system. However, we only teach paragliding to those who are keen enough to purchase their own equipment. We no not fly paragliding tandems.  This is due to the fact that the weather window for Paragliging is smaller than for Hang Gliding, so there are many fewer days PGs [...]

11 03, 2010

When is the best time to fly?

By |March 11th, 2010|FAQS|Comments Off on When is the best time to fly?

Most hang glider pilots will tell you that anytime is a good time. However, some times are better than others depending on what you like. If you are nervous or afraid of heights then we recommend flying sometime in the morning or late afternoon/evening. The air is smoother and more stable. If you're on the [...]