NB Chute Clinic 10 AM Sat 12 April 2025
Our annual Chute Clinic is at the Brougham Hall, just S of Hwy 7 on the East side of Old Brock Rd SATURDAY 12 April, 10 AM 'til 1 PM Fee is still $30.00 Register now.
Our annual Chute Clinic is at the Brougham Hall, just S of Hwy 7 on the East side of Old Brock Rd SATURDAY 12 April, 10 AM 'til 1 PM Fee is still $30.00 Register now.
You are invited to participate in a community art project called The Dinner Plate Project here on Sept. 19, 2010 at 10 A.M. (rain date Sept 26). The purpose of this project is to encourage humanity to support locally grown food through the worldwide circulation of an aerial picture of a large, colourful dinner plate [...]
Our 40th! Anniversary Celebration will happen Sat., Oct. '16 starting at noon here at High perspective Flight Park for the flying and around the corner at my place after 6PM for dinner, bonfire, music, slide show and party into the night. We would love to see you all here (and there:). Please RSVP by phone [...]
We lucked into a good day for the clinic...gusty East winds precluded flying. Very successful time in the gym with 17 attendees sucessfully repacking. Jamie had a minor mishap during deployment practice when his main hang strap (oops, neglected to hook into the back-up) was somehow hooked incorrectly and he slipped 3 feet to the [...]