Thank you very much for two amazing flights… Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhoooooooo!!!

The first flight in Aug was inspiring, serene and for me, an awakening of the soul. Although the natural high lasted for several days, I could not wait to do it again.

Yesterday’s flight was just as amazing and to my surprise, a totally different experience in itself. We gained height, speed and the ground below was naturally decorated with fall colours. It was breathtaking and exhilarating… I’m still smiling thinking about it.

When in flight, I realized the things I worry about are so trivial and it certainly helped me gain perspective. I also appreciated your experience, skill, sense of humour, and your joy for the sport which played a great role in this amazing experience. The greatest accomplishment was to convince four other people to try it. All of whom initially thought I was becoming a crazy daredevil chick. Now, they are grateful to me for bringing them, and to you for a great flight.

I will definitely be back.